Clear Choice Restoration

Roofing, Siding and Window Replacement Throughout The Twin Cities

I hired Clear Choice Restoration for an insurance claim that included replacing the siding. The house had two layers of siding, the inner layer was original clap board and lead based paint. The crew failed to follow lead paint remediation practices and contaminated my entire yard with lead based paint chips. They came out twice to "clean up" the lead paint - both times failed to reasonably clean up the lead paint chips. They then claim another contractor caused the lead paint contamination, quit the job without notice, and refuse to file a claim with the their insurance company to cover the cost of cleaning up the lead paint chips they failed to contain. IMO, they are trying to get out of their responsibility to clean up the lead contamination. If you have a house that may have lead based paint, I think you should avoid Clear Choice Restoration at all costs.

The Clear Choice Restoration Promise

On their website, Clear Choice Restoration claims they maintain high standards in roofing, siding and window replacement craftsmanship and business practices. They go on to claim that the following standards, among others, are the core to our high quality service and completely satisfied clients.

  • Highly professional, licensed and fully insured construction, repair and restoration services.
  • Warranty – all services warrantied to meet or exceed Minnesota statutory warranties

Judge the professionalism for yourself by reading the following emails from Steve Olson, owner of Clear Choice Restoration:

  • May 2, 2023, 12:40 PM



    I already spoke with John Amacher who spent many hours working to get your house approved for a full siding wrap and with our field supervisor Joe and they agree that it would probably be best to part ways at this point.

    Steve Olson
    Clear Choice Restoration

  • Several emails are exchanged discussing time to audit the bill and make payment terms.

  • May 3, 2023, 4:40 PM

    Hi Steve,

    I wanted to give you an update. I was locked out of my treasury account (ACH) for most of the day but I'm back in now.

    However, I've heard reports of lead paint contamination clean-up costing 10's of thousands of dollars so now I'm panicked about that. I'm not well informed about what it will actually take to clean up the yard so it is safe for children and pets. I have a call to MN EPA to figure out what needs to be done.

    I think the next step is to contact your insurance company and start a claim. I assume the insurance company will be more familiar with what, if anything, needs to be done. I will also reach out to my insurance company and see if they can help.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

  • May 3, 2023, 6:40 PM

    Ok. Dale. Figured it would come to something g like this. We have photos of the windows all move the yard and driveway so you better talk to you window company. We were the ones on-site with a HEPA Vac and plastic and did all the cleaning.

    See you in court

  • Dale does not respond

  • May 3, 2023, 6:59 PM

    Clearly my guys were right about the person you are and thank god they advised me. You promised to pay and make and ACH and now lied saying you were locked out of your account. And will not meet me I. Person to pay for the roof that was done last month.

    You are a real class act Dale.



  • Dale does not respond

  • May 3, 2023, 7:00 PM

    My j sue ace company will not be involved by the way I have plenty of money to pay my legal fees vs you and this BS game you are trying to play

  • Dale does not respond

  • May 3, 6:47 PM This is a new email thread started by Steve

    You can pay for the work done as agreed or we can both battle In court and both end up paying more in legal fees.

    Your choice.

    Call me tomorrow and we can discuss

    The following images were attached to the email

    This is a picture of an original window after being removed. Note there is no flaking or peeling paint anywhere on the window. In fact, the window is not even painted.


    The is a picture of the new windows before installation by Renewal by Anderson (a fantastic company by the way!). There are no original windows or painted windows in this picture.

  • May 3, 2023, 6:58 PM

    Hi Steve,

    If you want to take me to court that's your call. Not up to me.

    I've only asked that you start an insurance claim with your provider. If you can prove it was not your company, or not your company alone then it should all work out just fine.

    Are you refusing to start a claim?


  • May 3, 2023, 7:05 PM

    Yep no claim. We followed lead safe practices and used poly and cleaned ip after everyone on site with a HEPA Vac twice actually. You can pay or we can go down the legal route. I can afford it and do not need any help from Insurnace to defend me if you want to bring a case.

    We worked out butts off getting your roof and siding approved and did great work for you (just ask the building official) and now that it is time to pay you are trying to find a way not to pay what is owed.

    I am at dinner with my beautiful family and you are ruining it so I am done for tonight but you can call me tomorrow and let me know what you are willing to pay or I turn your account and this file over to Alden Pearson. Look him up as you will get to know his name if you do not pay us.

    Have a great night and cheers to you,


  • Dale does not respond

  • May 3, 2023, 7:05 PM this is a new email thread started by Dale. cc Alden Pearson

    Dear Steve, et al;

    I am again requesting that you start a claim with your insurance provider regarding potential soil contamination at 1444 XXXXXX. I believe the best path forward is to make sure that the property is safe for children and pets. After all, it is a rental property that currently has a family with a dog and cat living there. I expect you to take the health and safety of the tenants very seriously.

    I can assure you that the information you are getting from Joe and Tim is not accurate. I am very disappointed by your continued refusal to take reasonable steps to ensure the property was not contaminated by the actions of your workers.

    See attached.



  • May 4, 2023, 7:04 AM

    Who told you your yard is not safe or is contaminated. I have photos of my team in protective suits and with poly down and we cleaned twice with HEPA vacs.

    Prove it is “contaminated” or let me know a time when I can come inspect with you on site and we can discuss next steps.



  • Dale does not respond

  • May 4, 2023, 7:04 AM Dale notifies Renewal By Anderson of CCR's allegation that RBA is the cause of the contamination

    Hi Renewal By Anderson,

    I wanted to let you know about a development at 1444 XXXXXX that may involve Renewal by Anderson.

    You may recall, when the RBA team arrived at 1444, I pointed out the huge volume of lead paint chips in the yard from removing the siding. I even asked the Lead Masters person if they knew the proper way to clean it up.

    I contacted Clear Choice Restoration, the contractor that removed the siding, to let them know that I think they contaminated the soil at the property. However, they are refusing to file an insurance claim. and are insisting they did not contaminate the soil. They are claiming that RBA's work on the windows is the source of the paint chips in the yard.

    I have no idea why they would claim RBA is the source of the paint chips that were present when the RBA team arrived.

    I am not sure if this will end up in court or what, but I wanted to let you know about the claims from Clear Choice Restoration as soon as possible. I assume the legal department would want to know about it.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



  • May 4, 2023, 7:07 AM

    Let me know what they suggest for a solution and when they want to go clean and maybe we will meet there and clean for the 3rd time
  • May 4, 2023, 7:05 AM from Steve again

    Great let me know how the test comes back and make sure the window guys are aware as they were not dealing with the windows correctly

  • Dale does not respond

  • May 4, 2023, 11:03 AM


    We also find it interesting that if you pointed out some paint chips on the ground to Renewal By Anderson when they arrived and discussed this potential issue with a company called "Lead Masters". Why did you not bring that up to anyone at Clear Choice Restoration Vs. waiting until you received your final bill? What was Lead Master's answer when you asked them what the proper way to clean it up was? If they told you how to clean it or what the solution is, do you think that might be good information to pass on to the siding crew, or to Joe Jennrich from CCR? Please help me understand the logic there.

    Why are you so insistent I file an insurance claim for "Potential" issues? I have a third party that can come test the soil and confirm if there is or is not "soil contamination" and if there is they will provide the solution which could possibly be covered by YOUR insurance company.

    Again I have 639 photos of everything we did on this job (Normally we would have around 100) and everything the other crews did as we were nervous that you would want to play games and accuse us for things and not pay your bill when it came time.

    Obviously we are concerned about the health and safety of homeowners and pets and want to make sure there is no risk and if something is found we will get it taken care of.


    Comment: Concerned yet they are still refusing to file an insurance claim
  • May 4, 2023, 11:09 AM

    Dear Steve,

    I am writing to request that all future communication between us be conducted in a strictly professional manner that is directly related to resolving the lead contamination claim. I am not willing to tolerate any further abusive, accusatory, or emotional messages from you.

    If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the claim, please have your attorney contact me directly. I kindly request that you refrain from contacting me personally, or visiting any of my properties, until the matter has been resolved. Any non-professional or non-related communication will be ignored and you will be blocked from further communication.

    I am hopeful that we can resolve this matter in a fair and timely manner.



    I also send the following to CCR's attorney

    Dear Mr. Pearson,

    I hope this message finds you well. I understand from Steve Olson that you are the attorney representing Clear Choice Restoration in regard to the potential lead contamination of the soil at my property.

    I have made it clear to Mr. Olson that I will not tolerate any further abusive, accusatory, or emotional messages from him or any other representative of Clear Choice Restoration. Additionally, I have requested that they file a claim with their insurance company regarding the issue.

    In order to maintain a professional and respectful communication channel, I would prefer to receive all communication through you as the attorney representing Clear Choice Restoration. This will also help to avoid the personal attacks and unprofessional communication that I have experienced in the past few days.

    I kindly request that you advise your client on how they should proceed in order to resolve this matter in a fair and timely manner. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Best regards,

  • May 4, 7:08 AM this is a new email thread started by Steve

    What time can I come pick up my check for the roof today and inspect your property?
  • May 4, 2023, 7:43 AM

    Dear Steve,

    I am writing to follow up on our previous conversation regarding the payment for the work performed at 1444 XXXXXX. I want to clarify that full payment will be deposited in an escrow account, and you will only receive payment after the insurance claim is settled to the satisfaction of all parties. Therefore, you cannot pick up a check today or at any time before the insurance claim is settled.

    I want to express my disappointment and frustration with your conduct throughout this situation. Your behavior has been unprofessional and unacceptable, and I no longer have confidence in you or your employees to behave professionally and ethically.

    This email serves as a formal notification that Clear Choice Restoration, its agents, or associates are not authorized to perform any additional work on 1444 XXXXXX. No one from your company is permitted to set foot on any of my properties, and any attempt to do so will be treated as trespassing. I reserve the right to involve law enforcement if necessary.

    I urge you to work with your insurance company to settle this matter promptly and to take responsibility for any potential contamination caused by your company's actions.

    I hope we can resolve this matter in a fair and respectful manner.


    - Dale
  • May 4, 2023, 9:03 AM

    The Insurnace claim is settled for the work we completed. You have not paid us per the signed contract and have breakers the contract. I will forward this to our company attorney since you have now banned us from working on your property and are refusing to meet me on site to see your concerns regarding the soil and lead contamination.

    I am very disappointed in you and your lies but glad you have fired us as we do not want to work with you anymore if we are not going to be paid as you said we would be.

    Please forward all soil tests and suggested solutions to me.

    I will forward your file to Alden Pearson this morning and he will get this resolved since you are not willing to work with us.


  • May 4, 2023, 9:06 AM

    Dear Steve,

    To be clear, the insurance claim I am referring to is the claim I asking you to file with your insurance company for the contamination of my property.

    I look forward to talking to your attorney.


  • May 4, 2023, 11:19 AM

    Like I said we do not know if any contamination but are willing to send out a professional company paid for by Clear Choice Restoration to test the soil for Lead and make sure it is safe and if there is an issue we will look at the cost or process to correct it and determine the best course of action from there. Does that make sense to you?
    Steve Olson
    Clear Choice Restoration

    ***Today's decisions create tomorrow's experiences***
  • May 4, 2023, 11:24 AM

    Dear Steve,

    I would like to remind you that I have requested all communication to come through your attorney, and I ask that you respect this request going forward. Please do not contact me directly, as I will not respond to any emails or calls from you.

    I also want to reiterate that Clear Choice Restoration and its associates do not have permission to do any work at any of my properties, including soil testing. I have already arranged for an independent soil test at my expense, and I will be sharing the results with your attorney as soon as they become available.

    I hope that we can resolve this situation in a professional manner and that your attorney will be in touch soon to discuss how your company plans to proceed.

    Best regards,

  • May 4, 2023, 11:27 AM

    Got it. What address should we serve you papers if needed? I know this is a rental.

    I will have him use this email and your phone number of 612-208-9601.

    Hopefully the tests come back negative for contamination as I am expecting and you will pay your fill for the amount owed and we can part ways.

    If not, that is what attorneys are for.



Lack of professionalism

After telling Steve via emai, twice, that no one from Clear Choice Restoration is allowed on my property, Steve shows up at the property uninvited and tries to antagonize me.

It is highly unprofessional and inappropriate for Steve to visit a property where they are not welcome and then confront the owner with a snide remark about public easements. I believe that such behavior demonstrates a lack of respect for personal boundaries and disregards the rights of property owners. Professionals should approach situations with tact, courtesy, and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue. It is essential to maintain a professional demeanor, adhere to legal and ethical standards, and seek resolution through appropriate channels rather than resorting to confrontational and disrespectful actions.

No insurance for lead-related losses!

After filing a claim for the lead-based paint contamination, I received the following letter from CCR's insurance company.

It was recently brought to our attention that CCR's liability insurance carries a lead exclusion. This is a significant concern, as it is highly irresponsible for a company certified as lead-safe not to carry insurance for lead-related damages. The lack of such coverage was not communicated to Dale at the time of contract signing, leading him to believe that CCR was adequately insured for all potential liabilities. Had Dale been aware of this shortfall, he would not have hired CCR.

Constant harassment!

Furthermore, it is deeply concerning that Mr. Steve Olson, the owner of CCR, has opted for a path of intimidation and harassment towards Dale instead of adopting a professional approach to resolve this issue.

Text message on 4-7

It is unbecoming and unprofessional of a business to engage in such conduct. Rather than focusing on rectifying the harm they caused through the lead contamination, Mr. Olson's actions have escalated tensions and added unnecessary distress. Such behavior deviates from the standard business practice we would expect in circumstances like these and is not conducive to finding a satisfactory resolution for all parties involved. It is my earnest expectation that Mr. Olson addresses the situation with the professionalism it deserves.

Counterclaim for more than $15,000!

After I failed a conciliation court claim against Clear Choice Restoration for the cost of cleaning up the lead contamination they caused, they switch attorneys and filed the following with the court:

Of course, this makes the legal action much more expensive for both parties. It is my opinion that this is what CCR wants, to make it more expensive for me from an attorney fee perspective It was recently brought to our attention that CCR's liability He hired Christine Lake from LEVEL LAW FIRM, and on their website they say they say they represent their clients in "Claims against builders or remodelers regarding deficiencies in workmanship". I'm curious why they would decide to defend CCR's deficiencies in workmanship and help CCR with their counterclaim of more than $15,000.